Sample schemas


This page features sample schemas for parameters used in the Query Code tab when creating a customised data connector.

Each section below features exemplar schemas and parameters to help you when creating code for your hooks in the Query Code tab.

The Metadata hook in the Query Code tab typically looks like the following, using two parameters: tree and datasource.

metaData(tree, datasource) {
    return tree;

Sample schemas for tree and datasource are available by clicking on the links.

Tree schema

    "text": "Countries And Cities",
    "name": "countriesAndCities",
    "icon": "fa fa-database",
    "selectable": false,
    "nodes": [
            "text": "Countries",
            "icon": "",
            "desc": "",
            "nodes": [
                    "text": "Country Name",
                    "name": "countryName",
                    "type": "string",
                    "desc": "",
                    "text": "ISO Country Code",
                    "name": "ISOCode",
                    "type": "string",
                    "desc": ""
            "text": "Cities",
            "name": "cities",
            "icon": "",
            "desc": "",
            "nodes": [
                    "text": "City Name",
                    "name": "cityName",
                    "type": "string",
                    "desc": ""
                    "text": "ISO Country Code",
                    "name": "ISOCode",
                    "type": "string",
                    "desc": ""

To return to Microservice development, click on the Microservice link.

Datasource schema

Note: The same structure below can be used used in both Query hooks and Query success hooks, although data will vary slightly.

  "id": "2fe2d2c7-4feb-4c92-ac4c-fed4623d2d6e",
  "title": "Demo Connector",
  "type": "client",
  "typeIcon": "http://localhost:4171/public-file/322f14a6-63a0-4c68-b53e-4ca041c0e9ae/Geo-Connector-Icon.png",
  "typeTitle": "Demo Connector",
  "candelete": false,
  "readOnly": false,
  "status": "ready",
  "useConnector": false,
  "connectorId": "",
  "clientConnectorId": "19275478-68a9-43be-b8fb-54dc310cc0d6",
  "settings": {},
  "modified": "2022-11-11T15:12:44.173Z",
  "enableB2B": true,
  "enableFiltering": false,
  "b2bMappings": [],
  "modifiedBy": "5650d471-8c41-49b6-8f72-b77dddf3b956",
  "admins": [],
  "allowedUsers": [],
  "exclusionUsers": []

The Query hook in the Query Code tab typically looks like the following, using four parameters: datasource, query, rule and process.

 query(datasource, query, rule, process) {
     return query;

Sample schemas each are available by clicking on the relevant links: datasource, query, rule, and process are available by clicking on the links.

Query schema

   "action": "select",
   "info": {
      "text": "Cities",
      "name": "Cities",
      "type": "item"
   "rowLimit": 100,
   "conditions": [
         "group": "and",
         "conditions": [
               "id": "b3fe6a0b-c455-4560-abde-b5b7291d1ca8",
               "operator": "eq",
               "arg1": {
                  "name": "countryName",
                  "text": "Country Name",
                  "title": "Country Name",
                  "icon": "",
                  "type": "string",
                  "desc": ""
               "arg2": {
                  "text": "Name",
                  "name": "name",
                  "type": "field",
                  "id": "07b1e8ab-9260-478c-a3e2-487aa0ee56f8",
                  "fieldType": "fields/field-textbox",
                  "date1": null,
                  "date2": null,
                  "value": "London"
               "group": "and"
         "id": "b6597e4d-60f1-44da-863a-e15287f72f1a"
   "orderAscending": false

Rule schema

Note: This is similar to the rule used in the Query success hook.

The following sample rule schema is for a find-items rule which maps the response from the connector query to a table, notice the inputmapping and output mapping.

  "title": "Find items 3",
  "action": "rules/rule-finditems",
  "originalId": "5e6d1abc-1c5f-471c-b1f2-4bc038d7aefd",
  "enabled": true,
  "schedule": "default",
  "settings": {
    "inputMapping": [
        "lefterror": "has-error",
        "righterror": "has-error"
    "outputMapping": [
        "left": {
          "text": "Country Name",
          "name": "country-name",
          "id": "6070ad52-7e4e-4a96-aa6b-320266644d93",
          "type": "field",
          "fieldType": "fields/field-textbox",
          "selectable": true,
          "icon": "fa fa-text-height"
        "right": {
          "text": "Country Name",
          "name": "countryName",
          "type": "datafield"
        "lefterror": "",
        "righterror": ""
        "left": {
          "text": "ISO Country Code",
          "name": "ISOCode",
          "id": "c2246c9a-af60-4fd0-9ac6-3195c456d3ff",
          "type": "field",
          "fieldType": "fields/field-textbox",
          "selectable": true,
          "icon": "fa fa-text-height"
        "right": {
          "text": "ISO Country Code",
          "name": "ISOCode",
          "type": "datafield"
        "lefterror": "",
        "righterror": ""
    "errorMapping": [],
    "rowLimit": 100,
    "list": {
      "text": "Countries",
      "name": "Countries",
      "type": "item"
    "mapToTable": "yes",
    "offlineCache": "no",
    "overrideTable": "yes",
    "serverPaging": "no",
    "table": {
      "text": "Table 1",
      "name": "form1-f4",
      "id": "7746f138-a913-4438-ba65-4905d8453d57",
      "type": "field",
      "fieldType": "fields/field-table",
      "selectable": true,
      "icon": "fa fa-table",
      "nodes": [],
      "visible": true,
      "rows": [
          "text": "row1",
          "name": "form1-f4-row1",
          "id": "219e1d44-a997-4f76-b815-f409fdcb4774",
          "type": "field",
          "fieldType": "fields/table-row",
          "selectable": false,
          "nodes": [
              "text": "Country Name",
              "name": "country-name",
              "id": "6070ad52-7e4e-4a96-aa6b-320266644d93",
              "type": "field",
              "fieldType": "fields/field-textbox",
              "selectable": true,
              "icon": "fa fa-text-height"
              "text": "ISO Country Code",
              "name": "ISOCode",
              "id": "c2246c9a-af60-4fd0-9ac6-3195c456d3ff",
              "type": "field",
              "fieldType": "fields/field-textbox",
              "selectable": true,
              "icon": "fa fa-text-height"
          "visible": true,
          "state": {
            "expanded": true
    "lastExecuted": "2022-12-14T17:29:42.425Z"
  "elseSettings": {},
  "hasElse": false

Process schema

Note: This is similar to the process used in the Query success hook.

  "processVersion": "1.1",
  "processName": "connector-example",
  "isCreated": false,
  "isOfflineCreated": false,
  "isOfflineUpdated": false,
  "uniqueID": "45758d2b-f713-44c9-81dc-0e4cb7618902",
  "title": "connector example",
  "type": "Process",
  "name": "connector-example",
  "desc": "",
  "version": "1.0",
  "modified": "2022-11-14T09:33:46.254Z",
  "created": "2022-11-11T15:13:28.108Z",
  "status": "form 1",
  "securityMode": null,
  "enableSecurity": false,
  "deleted": false,
  "rejected": false,
  "completed": false,
  "settings": {
    "keepRuleExecutionOrder": "yes",
    "buttonDisplayFlag": true,
    "mobileNav": "yes",
    "comments": "",
    "offline-tag": "45758d2b-f713-44c9-81dc-0e4cb7618902"
  "partnerId": null,
  "instanceIDFormat": null,
  "customInstanceIDFormat": null,
  "isPartner": false,
  "isDraft": true,
  "publish": false,
  "allowNew": false,
  "visMode": null,
  "group": null,
  "fieldsUpdated": null,
  "modifiedBy": null,
  "createdBy": null,
  "currentForm": "5af0c34e-28ea-4404-bba3-a8cf2df8eaff",
  "partner": null

The Query success hook in the Query Code tab typically looks like the following, using four parameters: datasource, result, rule and process.

 querySuccess(datasource,result,rule,process) {
    // this.get("dataservice").mapSuccess(result,rule,process); //uncomment to use default mapping behaviour
   return result;

Sample schemas each are available by clicking on the relevant links: datasource, result, rule, and process are available by clicking on the links.

Result schema

    "success": true,
    "items": [
            "countryName": "England",
            "ISOCode": 123
            "countryName": "Ireland",
            "ISOCode": 124

What’s next Idea icon

To discover how to use your customised data connector widget in Kianda process design, go to Kianda application designer.

To create other widgets go to Custom field widget, Custom dashboard widget and Custom rule widget pages to find out more.