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Kianda no-code low-code development platform - workflows process designer

Kianda Designer provides an intuitive interface where you can quickly start building forms for any business use case. Forms are an important component of any process. They might be used as a stage of a process and can be made active individually or at the same time (parallel forms).

How Designer works

This video introduces Kianda Designer and demonstrates how to start creating a form and add fields.

There are 3 key principles to consider when working with forms:

  1. Form design - what a form looks like, what elements it contains, for example controls and rules
  2. Form interaction - how users can use forms depending on certain sequences happening
  3. Form management - who can edit and access forms

This page presents the information you need related to form design, that is what a form looks like, and what it contains. By default, Administrators and those with the Design business process role can edit forms, but they can also set how other people interact with forms, for example to make forms viewable as read-only. Go to Form owners to find out more about how form ownership works, and Form display modes to find out out more about how forms display.

Designer layout

To access processes, go to the left-hand pane and Administration > Designer and click on a process that you have created or imported, see Create your first process.

From the main process view, click on any process to add forms. Clicking on a process

The Designer window opens and is made up of 3 main parts.

Form Designer

The key components of the designer are:

  1. Left-hand pane contains both controls and rules that can be added to forms. Go to Controls and Rules to find out more. The left-hand pane also houses the Exit button Exit process to go back to the process list, the Save button Save button to save your work, the Preview button Preview to preview what you have created and the Publish button Publish button to publish your work.

    Note that clicking on Save saves a draft of a process design. Click on Publish to publish the design and update changes to existing process instances.

    If you click on the Exit button Exit process to go back to the process list without clicking on the Save button you will be prompted with a dialog box detecting Unsaved changes prompting you to Abandon changes if desired. Click on Yes to exit Designer without saving, or No to exit and save.

    Unsaved changes detected popup

  2. The central area is where the current form canvas is displayed. The canvas also houses 3 buttons by default: Submit, Save and Close. Go to Adding form elements to find out more about editing these buttons and adding elements to the canvas.

  3. The right-hand pane is where the properties and rules are displayed for the selected item, see Properties for more information. From this pane you can also Import forms, see the Version history for a process and set process Settings. Click on the links to find out more.

Note: The name of the process you are working on is shown in the top menu bar, for example Quarterly Training Request.

Note: Multiple users can view and design a process synchronously, allowing for seamless collaboration on your processess. The below error message is displayed in the bottom right corner when another user(s) is/are viewing/editing the current process.

Another user editing process image

When another user saves a change to the process design that you are currently viewing, the below error message is displayed in the bottom right corner.

Another user save changes notification image

How to get started with forms

  1. How you get started with forms depends on if you:

    • have created a process using the App Store, see Predefined forms

    • have created a process from scratch or want to create a form from scratch, see New forms

    • import forms that have already been created, see Import forms

  2. Once your form is created, you are ready to start adding elements to your form, see Adding form elements.

  3. In addition there are a number of settings you can change, see Properties and Settings.

Predefined forms

  1. If you have created a process using the App Store, then a number of forms will already be part of the process. For example the process Security Incident Management has 5 forms attached: Incident detail, Data breach, Malware outbreak, Root cause remedy and Caller review.

  2. To edit form details, simply click on a form and click on the Pen button Pen icon to edit the form. You can also click on the Add form button to add a new form. Edit options are shown under New forms.

New forms

How to add new form

If you have created a process from scratch, an empty form is added to your process by default, called “form 1”. This is the first form. Click on this form and the Edit/Pen button Pen icon to customise it. You can also click on the Add form button to add a new form.

Add form

Editing forms

When you click on a chosen form, then click on the Edit/Pen button Pen icon to edit the form.

Edit form

The Edit form dialog box opens where you can edit the fields. There are a number of edit options below.

Edit form options

Note: as you change any of the options in the dialog box, the impact will be shown in real-time on the form in the background, for example a title, or colour form theme.

  1. Title - the form title, for example Employee Request Form

  2. Name - this is a unique name for the form

  3. Default owner(s) - by default the form creator is an owner. You can remove this owner by clicking on x and add other owners by clicking on the arrow and choose from Users, Groups or Partners.

    • Users - allows you to choose individual owners
    • Groups - allows you to choose from defined groups for example HR Team or Management Team
    • Partners - allows you to choose predefined partner organisations that you want to share with or provide permissions
  4. Activate with - will decide when the form will be active. If you have several forms attached to a process, then select from a dropdown list the form you want to activate with the current form. If you leave the field blank, the new form will be activated sequentially after the first form is submitted.

  5. Submit mode - options are a) Only this form (the current form) or b) All forms in edit mode.

  6. Form icon - click on the arrow to choose from hundreds of icons to attach to your form.

  7. Form theme - choose from Navy, Green, Blue, Amber, Red or White Colours for your form.

  8. Enable quick actions - if you tick the checkbox, you can select from the options a) Enable re-assign b) Enable edit and c) Enable custom action. Click on Ellipsis button Ellipsis button to further modify the action settings.

    • If you click on Enable re-assign, you can reassign action settings to particular Users, Groups or Partners. Click on Allow form owners if you want form owners to be able to reassign actions.

    • If you click on Enable edit, you can allow certain Users, Groups or Partners to edit the form, along with form owners by clicking on Allow form owners.

      Other options include a checkbox for When editing auto hide form footer buttons and Trigger rules on save.

      • If you check Trigger rules on save then click into the Save action field, you can choose an action trigger from the drop-down list as to when the form is saved, for example on execution of the Submit, Save or Close buttons. These can be other actions depending on what you have defined.

      Edit action settings

    • If you click on Enable custom action, you can allow certain Users, Groups or Partners to edit the form, along with form owners by clicking on Allow form owners.

      Other options include Action label, Target action field and Action display mode, for example Read-only mode, Edit mode or Both.

      Custom action settings

    • As a form designer, you can set up actions dependent on certain conditions, for example an Action label that targets a certain button appearing for example Close button, only when a certain display mode is chosen, for example Read-only mode. If Edit mode is chosen, then the button will only appear when the form is being edited. In this way you can create dynamic forms that suit user interactions.

  9. Click on the OK button when you are finished editing to save your changes or click on Close to exit the dialog box without saving.

  10. To save your changes to the form, click on the Save button Save button.

You are now ready to start adding Controls and Rules to your form. To implement additional settings, see Process Settings.

Import forms

  1. You can import a previously designed form by clicking on the Import button Import button.

  2. Click on the arrow to select from the drop-down list to Select a process design.

  3. Click on a process of interest and then click on the forms to import under Select fields or forms to import. Forms are indicated by a + symbol and can be expanded to show elements within a form for example a panel containing different fields such as lists and text boxes. This means you can import a whole form, or just elements of a form. In this way you can very quickly reuse some or all parts of an existing form.

    Import from another process

  4. Click on the OK button when you are finished editing to save your changes or click on Close to exit the dialog box without saving.

Adding form elements

If you have added a new form during the form creation process, then a blank canvas with three default buttons are available to you: Submit, Save and Close.

Form button edit

Within a form like the one shown above you can:

  1. Add elements to this canvas by clicking on Controls and Rules in the left-hand pane. Click on each link to find out more about the 16 control fields and 60 rule types.
  2. Move elements by clicking on the Drag Handle Drag handle beside the item and dragging it to where you want to place it.
  3. Edit elements by clicking on each item and clicking on the Edit/Pen button Pen icon, for example if you click on the Close button, there are a number of options to choose from when editing, see Button control for more information.


In addition to adding fields/controls and rules, there are a number of ways to create the form and process design you want. You can set properties at property, form and field level. Properties represent how an element presents itself, for example the title and layout of the element.

Process and form properties

Properties at all levels are visible in the right-hand pane of Kianda designer, along with the:

  • Import button Import button to allow you to import forms and form elements like fields

  • Version history button Version history example to allow you to manage version of the process design

  • Settings button Settings button to allow you to apply process security settings amongst other options

Process level properties

When you click on a process from the main process view, straight away you will see the Process properties in the right-hand pane as shown in the image above. To find out more about process go to the Process properties page.

When you click on a form within a process, then the properties view changes to show Form properties, as shown in the image in Form level properties.

If you want to return to Process properties, click on the process name beside the Designer and chevron symbol, that is:

Process name

Form level properties

When you click on a form in Kianda Designer, the properties for that form appear.

Form properties view

To find out more about form properties go to the Form properties page.

Note that at form level, additional buttons appear above Form properties namely:

  • Edit/Pen button Edit/pen button where clicking on this button opens the Edit dialog box for the chosen item, for example a form.

  • Clone button Clone button that allows you to make a duplicate form. Click on OK to make a copy or Close to close the dialog box and cancel the copy.

  • Bin/trash button Bin button where clicking on this button opens a popup asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected form. Click on OK to make a copy or Close to close the dialog box and cancel the deletion.

Field level properties

When you add controls to forms Kianda Designer, and select a field/control, the properties for that field appear in the right-hand pane.

Field properties view

The type of field/control is listed in the properties pane, for example ‘Text box’ as shown in the image above. How the field appears is easy to control simply by checking/unchecking a number of boxes. To find out more about field/control properties go to the Control properties page.

Change field button

Note that at field level, in addition to the buttons visible at Form level, a Change field button Change field button is visible. To change field type:

  1. Select a field in a form by clicking on it.

  2. Click on the Change field button.

  3. A pop-up box appears allowing you to choose from the full range of field types, including customised field widgets created in Kianda Developer.

    Change field dialog box

  4. Click on the radio button beside the field type of choice and click on OK to make the change, or Close to close the dialog box and cancel the change.

  5. An Edit field dialog box appears allowing you to change settings for that new field type.


In addition to Properties, you can use Settings at process, form and field level to give you the type of processes and forms you want.

Process settings

Basic process information, such as deciding who the process administrators are is available at the main process level, by exiting Designer clicking on the Exit button Exit process to go the main process view, and then click on the process name to bring up the Edit process dialog box.

Edit process dialog box

More detailed process settings are available within Kianda Designer in the right-hand pane by clicking on the Settings buttonProcess settings button and from here use the parameters available in the Process settings dialog box to enable process security, anonymous sharing of forms and custom process ID, amongst other options. Go to Process settings to find out more.

Form and field settings

Form and field settings are available when you select an item in the form canvas so that the Edit/Pen icon Edit/pen button is available. An Edit dialog box appears allowing you to make the necessary changes to that item. Edit form dialog box is shown in Editing forms. Field settings will be described within the information page for each field, go to Controls to start navigating to individual control pages.

What’s next Idea icon

Click on the links to find out more about aspects of Kianda Designer, namely Processes and Forms.

To read about managing versions of forms, go to the link below:

1 - Previewer


As an Administrator or someone with the role Design business process, you can preview your process designs at any time using the Run and preview process button previewer button. This is a useful Kianda feature that allows you to trial out your process, and visualise the logical flow of your design without publishing it yet for your organisation to view/use. Within the preview window, you can also troubleshoot your fields, rules and conditions by utilising the Rule debugger feature.

Preview window


Before getting started, you must open a process design of your choice that you would like to perform a trial run on before publishing it to your organisation.

How to get started

To access the previewer feature:

  1. Navigate to the left-hand pane of the designer screen and click on the Run and preview process button run and preview process button. From here, your process will display in a preview window only to you or to other Process/workspace security users that have access to the design. For more on this, see Security.

    Process preview button in left hand pane

  2. Within the process preview window, you can enter information as expected and the rules will execute on fields/buttons - the window displaying as a process instance, similar to when it will when published.

  3. You can utilise the Rule debugger feature for troubleshooting purposes by clicking on the Enable / Disable Rule debugging button rule debugger button in the top right corner of the window.

    rule debugger in the preview window
  4. You can preview the process design from the perspective of different devices by clicking on the Device preview buttons to the right of the Rule debugger button. This feature will visualise how your process design is dynamic and responsive on a myriad of devices.

    Preview devices buttons

    The buttons are as follows:

    • Desktop preview desktop preview button - displays the process instance as it would look on a desktop device.

    • Tablet preview Tablet preview button - displays the process instance as it would look on a tablet device.

      tablet preview screen
    • Mobile preview Mobile preview button - displays the process instance as it would look on a mobile device.

      Mobile preview screen

    Note: If you select Tablet preview or Mobile preview, a Rotate device button rotate device button will appear in the top right-hand corner. Clicking on this button will rotate the device screen from portrait to landscape and vice versa in the preview window.

    Rotate screen

  5. When you are finished previewing your process design, click on the Exit preview mode button Exit preview mode button in the top right-hand corner of the previewer window.

You can then choose to make further changes to your process, or continue to save and publish your design for your organisation to view/use.

What’s next Idea icon

Now that you’ve learned about the Previewer, find out more about other designer features:

2 - Version history

How to manage process versions in Kianda.


As an Administrator or someone with the role Design business process, you can update process designs as often as you need. The Version number of a process will be updated every time a process design is saved by clicking on Save Save button.

The current or active version of a process is always visible in the right-hand pane, for example V0.34 for the ‘Inspection Process’ as shown below.

Process version history

The first version of a process is 0.1 and will increment to 0.2 and so on, each time a process is saved. Once the process is published the version changes to 1.0 and increments with each publication.

So for example a first click on the Publish button Publish button for the process above will make the version V1.0.

Right-hand pane

If the process is subsequently saved, then the next version will be V1.1 and the next published version will be V2.0.

Using versioning makes it is easy to keep track of changes and to restore the design to an older version if needed.

How to get started with Version history

  1. To view the version history click on the Design version history button which may look like V0.1 or whatever is the current version for your process, for example View design version history or Version 0.8.

  2. A pop-up shows the version history details including when the version was created and who created it.

    In the example below, there are 8 versions of the process, all are drafts indicated by the 0 in front, such as 0.8.

    Version history details

  3. Click on a particular version to see the version information, for example forms, fields and rules that were added, modified or removed.

    Version history details example

  4. Click on OK or Close to exit the dialog box, or click on the arrow button Back arrow to go back to the full list of versions.

  5. Click on the Restore button Restore button beside a particular version and then click on Ok to confirm that you want to restore to that version.

    Note: the new version of the process will increment following a ‘restore’ in this example to V0.9, however the Version history details dialog box will denote that the version is a restored version.

    Restored version

  6. When you are ready to exit the Version history details dialog box, click on OK or Close.

What’s next Idea icon

Click on the links to find out more about aspects of Kianda Designer, namely Processes and Forms.