Coins Connector

A data connector available within Kianda is the Coins connector. Coins provide general construction management solutions from budgeting and time management, to communications logs and operations management. This data connector allows you to seamlessly integrate your Coins data within your Kianda process, to increase workflow productivity from one central Kianda workspace.

Before you get started

In advance of using the Coins data connector, you must have an account with Coins which is used to obtain information for a successful connection.

How to get started Add new data connector button

  1. From the Kianda home page, click on Administration > Data sources.

  2. Click on + Add new button Add new data connector button and choose Coins from the list of data sources provided.

  3. You will be automatically brought to the Coins details page, where you can start setting up the connection.


    Choose from the edit options:

    • Display name - type in the name for your Coins connector. This is used to distinguish between different data connectors on your platform.

Coins parameters

When you use the Coins datasource, there are default parameters invoked from the files that you can access. For example when you create a list filed in a Kianda form and use Coins as its datasource, these Coins parameters will appear in Display field, Value field and Sort by field in the Edit field dialog box, see Name for example in the image below:


What’s next Idea icon

Your Coins service is now set up and ready to be used in your processes. To find out more about how to design processes go to Designer.