Quick start

Platform quick start guide. Start from here to learn how to use the platform quickly
  1. Forms and controls
  2. Connect to data sources
  3. Process logic with rules
  4. Publish a process with pages

Welcome to the Kianda Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the Kianda Quick Start Guide! This guide is designed to help you quickly learn how to build, connect, automate, and publish process apps using the Kianda platform. Kianda is a modern form-based low-code development platform that enables you to create beautiful web-based business process applications.


  • Admin access to Kianda
  • Basic knowledge of web development
  • Process specific knowledge

How to Use This Guide

Follow the sections below to quickly get up to speed with Kianda. Each section provides detailed instructions and examples to help you master each aspect of the platform.

Quick Start Guide Sections

Forms and Controls

Learn how to create forms, add controls, and make them responsive. Read More Forms and Controls

Connect to Data Sources

Discover how to integrate data sources with your forms and processes. Read More Data Sources

Build Process Logic with Rules

Understand how to use rules to create dynamic and automated processes. Read More Process Logic

Publish Your Process with Pages

Learn how to publish your processes and create interactive pages. Read More Publish Pages

Additional Resources


We encourage you to start building and exploring the capabilities of Kianda. Your feedback is valuable to us, so please let us know how we can improve this guide.

Forms and controls

Learn how to build form and process apps layouts with the form designer

Connect to data sources

Connect your process apps to data sources. Enhance functionality and relevance of your forms, automate data-driven tasks

Implementing Process logic with rules

Define dynamic logic with rules and conditions to automates tasks, integrate with various data sources and external systems

Publish your process with pages

Build interfaces for end-users to access process applications